About Us
Established in 1998, Malcolm Smith Motorsports Foundation is a motorsports community based organization, fully committed to giving back to the future leaders of Baja, the children.
We offer the children at El Oasis the opportunity to follow their dreams through a fully funded education of their choice.
Malcolm Smith Motorsports Foundation is a fully volunteer organization with no paid staff. Facilties, utilities and most costs are donated by Malcolm Smith Motorsports, ensuring all dollars are used for the children.
Motorcyclists thank Baja
- Original site development.
- Water systems for both potable and agriculture water.
- Electrical system to bring power to the site
- Irrigation and over 400 trees
- Playgrounds and ball courts
- Ed-u-center for after school studies and enrichment
- Beds and bedroom furniture from TrendWoods furnishings
- Medical assistance in US for extreme conditions.
- 2015 and beyond, US based summer internship program for university age students.
- Fully funded education for every child; tuition, books, uniforms, travel and room and board where applicable.
